
A biopsy is a medical procedure used to remove cells or a tissue sample so that it can be analyzed for any abnormalities. Your doctor may want to proceed with a biopsy to identify any unknown or unusual areas found.

In dentistry, it is common to examine tissue from the gums, bone, and teeth for any signs of disease or infection. An oral biopsy is commonly used to identify forms of oral cancer. This procedure is done as an outpatient procedure with the help of a fine needle or scalpel. Local anesthetics or topical creams are administered to the area in concern. If in a difficult to reach area, a general anesthetic may be required. In some cases, a sample can be drawn from a needle inserted into the lesion, in others however, the entire removal may be recommended. After the biopsy has been completed, the tissue is sent to a laboratory for testing.

You can expected soreness in your biopsy area for a few days following the procedure. Other commonly reported side effects include bleeding and swelling, both of which should subside within 2-3 days.

Any unexplained lesions should be looked at by your doctor. For more information on our services or to request an appointment, please don’t hesitate to contact us today at (816) 630-5713.

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Bone Grafting

Regardless of the cause, when you lose a tooth, you may experience bone loss in your jawbone. The teeth stimulate the jawbone, so if you have lost one or more teeth, your jawbone will start to deteriorate. As time goes by, you may experience enough bone loss that dental implants won’t hold. If this is the case, we may recommend bone grafting.

Bone grafting is a procedure where we replace the missing bone in your jaw. There are three types: autogenous, allograft, and xenograft.

Autogenous grafts use bone from another part of your body, moving it to your mouth. Usually bone is removed from non-essential bones like your chin. By using your own bone, you are reducing the chance that your jawbone will reject it. It even prevents infection. Also, it is made up of active cellular material since it is still living.

Allografts use human bone but not your own. Instead, we use bone from cadavers who have donated their bones to bone banks. This is considered safe because the bone goes through rigorous testing before use.

Xenografts use bone from another source. The most commonly used source is cow bones.

The benefit of using either allografts or xenografts is that our patients will not have to have a second surgery to harvest their bone. Also, both sources are easily found so we will have plenty of bone for whatever you need.

Before we start, we use local anesthesia to numb the area where your bone will be removed and also in your mouth where the replacement bone is needed. We need to make an incision in your gums so we can see exactly how much bone is needed before we harvest your own bone or get bone from another source.

If we are harvesting bone from your chin, we will make another incision in the gums below your lower front teeth. This exposes the chin and we can remove the bone that we need, along with the marrow. We close this with stitches. After we remove the bone, we will place it where it is needed and screw it into the jawbone with titanium screws.

To help with the healing process, we may use bone marrow and bone-grafting material. We then stitch the incision closed.

After you have received a bone graft, you will need to go home with antibiotics and pain medication. You may need to eat soft food like pasta and JELL-O® while your mouth heals. It can take between six to nine months to completely heal. At that time, we will be able to place your dental implants in.

Don’t hesitate to contact us at (816) 630-5713 with any questions.

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Ridge Augmentation

If an area of bone has deteriorated or if a patient has significant bone loss along the jawline or ridge, we will need to restore the jaw using bone grafts. Placing bone granules at the site of deterioration, your jawline will be restored.

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Here at Excelsior Springs Family Dentistry, we are proud to offer the procedure known as a frenectomy.

It is always our goal to give you a smile you can be proud of. However, many people have a frenum, which is extra gum and tissue between the upper front teeth. Because of this, their front teeth have a gap between them, and sometimes it’s a very noticeable one.

When you have a frenum, we perform a frenectomy to remove the excess tissue between your teeth. However, unless we remove the extra tissue before the permanent teeth come in, you will still have a gap between your teeth.

After a thorough examination, we will discuss the best time to perform the procedure. We may have to put braces on to pull your teeth together before the frenectomy. We may also talk about using a retainer to help hold your teeth together after we perform the procedure.

It is our goal to give you a smile you can be proud of, and we are dedicated to ensuring that happens. We will work with you to close the gap between your teeth, whether we perform a frenectomy alone or with other procedures to give you the smile you deserve.

If you have any questions about frenectomies or would like to discuss the gap between your teeth, don’t hesitate to contact us today at (816) 630-5713.

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Gingival / Gum Grafting

Here at Excelsior Springs Family Dentistry, we specialize in soft tissue grafting. We are proud to assist patients in Excelsior Springs, MO and the surrounding communities.

At some point in their life, many people will be told by their dentist that they will need a gum graft. A gum graft will protect your teeth from any damaging effects of gum recession. This will help improve the appearance of your smile.

Gum recession happens when the tissue that surrounds the tooth pulls away from the tooth. This exposes more of the tooth or even the tooth’s root. This can cause damage to your supporting bone. Many people do not even realize their gums have receded. This is because it can happen so slowly. This is also one of the reasons it is so important to visit your dentist on a regular basis.

If your gums continue to recede and is not treated, this can cause tooth loss. The best way to repair the damage and to prevent any further dental issues is to have soft tissue grafting.

Our entire staff is dedicated to assisting you have a healthy and beautiful smile. We understand the potential issues gum recession can cause and will do everything that we can to help you get your oral health back on track. We are always available to answer any questions that you have before, during, or after your appointment.

If you have any questions about soft tissue grafting, contact us today at (816) 630-5713.

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Occlusal Adjustment

Here at Excelsior Springs Family Dentistry, we are proud to offer occlusal adjustments for our patients. Many people suffer from uneven bites. Their jaws may feel like they are lopsided. Many wake up every morning with a sore jaw because of this.

Jaws can be misaligned for many reasons. The most common reason for misalignment is missing teeth or loose, shifting, or even crowded teeth. These conditions give you the feeling that you have more pressure on one side of your jaw than the other when you bite. It can be hard to eat and even painful to talk.

People who grind their teeth may also have uneven bites. We have also had success when using this procedure on those with sensitive teeth.

For this reason, we are proud to offer occlusal adjustments. It is our goal to give you a good bite. This procedure is not very painful, and afterward you shouldn’t have too much discomfort.

When we do adjustments, we use a dental drill and a filing stone. We may also use removable mouthpieces to help protect your teeth and relax your jaw.

We are dedicated to staying on top of the latest dental advances, so we are constantly learning new and better ways to perform this procedure. We can now scan your mouth and find the areas that need adjustment. This helps us to make the smallest adjustments to get the outcome we want.

If you think your mouth feels uneven or you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us today at (816) 630-5713.

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Periodontal Splinting (Weak Teeth)

Here at Excelsior Springs Family Dentistry, we are proud to offer periodontal splinting. Periodontal splinting is used for loose and weak teeth. It is done to stabilize the teeth. Basically, we place a splint behind your loose or weak tooth to help support it. We attach the loose tooth to another tooth.

Because the splint is behind your tooth, nobody will ever notice!

Even if your teeth are loose from an injury or grinding your teeth, periodontal splinting can help because it evens out your bite. That way you bite evenly on all of your teeth instead of putting pressure on just one or two of them.

If periodontal disease is the reason your teeth are weak, it is important to get the disease under control. We recommend a thorough cleaning along with routine brushing and flossing. We also recommend an antibacterial mouthwash. Often just getting the disease under control will strengthen your teeth. If they need more support, we would be happy to do the procedure.

If you have any questions about periodontal splinting or would like an examination, don’t hesitate to contact us today at (816) 630-5713.

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Osseous Surgery / Pocket Reduction

Here at Excelsior Springs Family Dentistry, we are proud to offer pocket reduction surgery. When you have periodontal disease, the tissue and bones in your mouth can be destroyed. Pocket reduction surgery is specifically for people who have experienced this. Your bone and gum tissue are supposed to fit snugly around your teeth. If you are like many out there whose gum tissue has become loose and fallen away, pocket reduction surgery could be the answer for you.

Your dentist will recommend pocket reduction surgery if your pockets are too deep to clean during your regular daily oral care routine and professional cleaning. You do not want to leave any spots of your mouth unclean because bacteria will get inside and cause further problems.

While receiving this procedure, we will fold back your gum tissue and remove the disease-causing bacteria prior to securing your tissue. This surgery is important so that you can maintain a beautiful, healthy smile.

Simply eliminating bacteria alone is not sufficient to prevent periodontal disease permanently. Reducing your pockets as well as maintaining a daily oral routine will help your chances of having healthy gums and teeth.

Our qualified staff is here to assist you in pocket reduction surgery. We will help you feel comfortable during the entire process and answer any questions you may have. You will have your beautiful, glowing smile back in no time.

If you have any questions about pocket reduction surgery, do not hesitate to reach out to us at (816) 630-5713.

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